Your decision to train with a coach is a time, energy, and financial expense.  If you are ready to make a change why not take the opportunity to work with a professional willing to set you up for success for free? During  our first three sessions we will assess your posture, flexibility, endurance, strength and body composition.  We will set goals and plan for nutrition and lifestyle changes to meet these goals.

You'll will learn exercises to do on your own to address imbalances and strengthen areas related to your goals.  We'll create a custom workout method together.



There are a few requirements to qualify for this offer:

You need to be ready to take action and willing to work hard under my guidance.  There will be homework!

Your three sessions need to be scheduled over 10 days to inspire new habits and initiate change quickly.

You may train at my gym at 13700 Marina Pointe Dr, 90292 where we have both indoor and outdoor gym facilities.

We can also train in your home or building gym, or I can create a program for outdoors.  I'll travel approximately 3 miles from my home address.

There are only 5 test drive slots available so go to my contacts page and call or send an email mentioning offer #fitforlife.  If you received this information from someone other than Carla Weier at Compleat Fitness, please indicate who referred you.