Monday- Did not eat prior to my morning run. 1 mile warm up to the brooklyn bridge. Took the up-hill portions moderately hard and downhill fairly easy. Goal pace was 9:00 and actual was 9:04 with a average HR of 148 (really low). So even though I'm still feeling sleep deprived my running is fine. Tuesday- From john street to battery park up the west side. Return on chambers for a little hill interval work. A bit breezy and cold. Goal pace was 9:20 but after 1 mile warm up was feeling quite comfortable just under 9:00 (the wind was at my back) so I went with it, particularly because my HR was so low (hovered around 154 most of the run). Ran a little over on distance, so the main set was 10 miles, 9:00 mm and HR was 153 average. Felt good energetically as well. Had eaten a shake in pudding form with a banana about 1:45 before the run. Had an apple after the run and a hardy lunch, leftover thanksgiving meal. Also did 15 min of leg work between clients before the run 4x12 squats with 95# and 4x10 leg extensions.
Wed- Today I did some weights in my building gym and did 30 min of shoulder (4 exercises) all single joint and about 12 reps and 3 exercises for back, again fairly light. Will hit legs, back, shoulder and chest tomorrow heavier.
Short easy run over the brooklyn bridge. My quads are pretty sore from yesterday's weight training. As well I slept poorly and I'm cleansing/fasting this morning. Want a good 12 hours without food and i did eat a snack late last night. Today's run is over the brooklyn bridge and back. Felt like i was running faster than i was. Going up hills was slower than usual (although HR was low) so i had to pick up the pace on the flats and downhill to make up my pace. The main set was 5 miles at 9:03 and HR really low at 153bpm. Not sure that is accurate, seems really low.
Thurs-between clients did legs and back. Quads still sore from two days ago. Did deadlifts and lunges as a super set 3x12 each. Did lat PD wg and mach cg row 3x10-12 and 3 sets of cable rev fly fairly light 3x15.
This run was pretty identical to the run on Tuesday. The route was a little different, but was flat. Main difference was there was more wind today and it's warmer today, in the lower 60s. Results were similar as well. Ran faster than the planned 9:20 pace. My breathing has been so good lately that i'm focusing more on my HR than the planned pace. As long as my HR remains below 160bpm i'll go for a faster pace. Only difficulty with this run was that I started to run low on energy around 8 miles and forgot to bring gels with me. My legs did feel fairly heavy but had no problem running at an average 9:02 mm pace for 10 of the 11 miles with an AV hr of 156.
Friday- shoulders only (between clients) followed by abs. light to moderate weight 3-4 ses.
After morning clients I had my long run for the week. I'm not feeling recovered at all so will take this really slow. My last long run was sunday (17 miles) and that was only 5 days ago. Have also put in two good 11 mile runs. Because my parents are flying in later today I need to get my long run in today but honestly wish I could have a day off. Goal is 9:36 pace. Have not done a hilly course in a while so am going to prospect park. Started with a 1 mile warm up. My legs feel tight. In the park I ran counter-clockwise until the 9 mile mark then turned around. Made two stops, one for bathroom, other for more water. Had a gel around 6 and 12 miles. Brought half a isalean bar with me and nibbled on that for the last 4 miles. Want to experiment with having some solids during training. For the most part I ran around 9mm going down hills, 9:20 on flats and as slow at 10:30 going up the hills. I did a total of 4 loops of the park. For the last one i picked up the pace and it didn't feel as laborious as the other laps. I was happy to drop down to an easy jog for the last mile though. Thought it interesting that throughout this run my HR average was 149, probably the lowest average for any of my long runs. My pace was 9:29 so just a little faster than target pace. Tomorrow is an off day. No exercise at all. Sunday is a light 6 mile run and hope to be recovered by then, otherwise will need to adjust my plans for next week.
Saturday- Off. My parents are in town and staying with us.
Sunday- After having a full day off feel like taking this easy run a bit harder. Warmed up 1 mile and then hit the hills pretty hard both ways on the bridge. Av HR for 4.5mile set was 163 and pace 8:44. Goal pace for easy run is 9mm and HR about 158. Felt good though.
Overall this week was a bit intense because I had to change my hard/mod/easy schedule to accommodate the arrival of my parents and because I was jet lagged for most of the week. By thursday my sleeping patterns were on track, but before that I was wanting to sleep in the middle of the day. With all that considered I feel the week went really well.