Im feeling like going heavy on my weight trining today. Spent an hour on mostly multi joint movements for chest and shoulder at 4x8 reps. Some single joint at 3x10-12. About 8 exercises total. Worked back and shoulders heavy and chest moderate. Was able to do un-asisted dips without pain for the first time since my shoulder surgery. Before this session i started with some shoulder band work for rotator cuff and scapular retraction. Finished at home with 10 minutes of ab work. Have not had time for a full hour and a half weight and PT session in a long time. Good times! It was 84 degrees and partly cloudy and humid when I set out for my run. Went from the John Street gym down to battery park, along the Hudson River up the west side runner's path. Ran at an easy 9:20 mm pace for most of it and inserted 40 stride pick ups of 7-7:30mm 9 times throughout. Headed back to the gym along Chambers Street because i was feeling like some hills. The traffic lights allow for some rest but i hit the hills at a moderate pace, not too hard. Overall felt like a good run, but it was real humid and my heart rate was a bit higher than it should have been and was feeling a little something in my left shin.