since yesterday was my long bike i really souldn't be thinking of  a tempo run today but that was my plan and i awoke feeling good.  Problem was I ate yogurt, granola and fruit for breakfast.  Much heavier than my usual shake and only had about 20 min rest before my run.  Looking forward to the North Fork scenery though.  Will head out to the Orient bay and cross a few bridges over water. Started run with the wind easy for 20 minutes.  Then started tempo portion which was intended to be 45 minutes at about 30 sec below 10k race pace.  There was not shade and i'm not feeling acclimated to the heat.  Felt a bit of pain in my left shin and after i turned around decided to cut the tempo portion to 35 min.  Av hr was 87% and 8.1mm which was on target.  Was hoping to go longer but the environment and my heavy stomach didn't allow it.  Enjoyed the run thoroughly, just wish i ate a smaller breakfast.

Spend a few hours recovering at the beach and headed home for the long ride on the LIE.  Arrived home by 4:30 which was perfect.  Time to do some grocery shopping, cook up a fresh salmon burger over greens, and prepare for my week with clients.