Before the rain hits i'm determined to get to the pool.  But business first.  Between clients i spent 45 min weight training.  All rather light, 12-20 reps focusing on back, shoulders and some chest.  Finished with a short set of abdominals. It's threatening rain and only 74 degrees out but i'm at the Red Hoof pool and have a lane to myself.  Love that!  I'm set on doing 1.2 miles (althought my race is 1500m) at race pace intervals.  I warmed up for 15 min and then followed my endurance plan of 4x6 laps at race pace with 1 min rest between.  I set my tempo trainer at 1 second stroke rate (just a bit faster than my last swim).  My HR monitor did not record the whole interval but i think i was at my 140bpm target and my stroke per length was consistantly 52-55.  The swim felt a bit fast and labored but relaxed at the same time.  I say that because 1:05 stroke rate on Monday resulted in about 6 strokes less per length.   The 1 min rest was ideal as when i set out for my first lap it felt fluid.  Was not particularly fatigued muscularly but my form was impared by the last set.  Even so i felt i did well with the pacing considering the total volume.  Did 11:12, 11:17, 11:22 and 11:26 for the 4 sets.  I keep one hr monitor on deck to calculate interval times and the other on my body to provide HR data.  Works well but looking forward to my new Garmin 310xt which should ship this week.

For this session i averaged 37:44 minute mile and my last swim at a slightly slower stroke rate but much fewer strokes per length was 38:12.  I'm a bit confused by this.  Will keep experimenting with stroke rate vs strokes per length.  Next week will take my firsts swim real easy, but longer, slower stroke rate and focus on m glide.  Maybe 1.2 miles again but start with some drills.