I've never ventured out for a really long ride in prospect park.  My little 3.35 mile loop that i'm so familiar with is going to have to keep me occupied for 3 plus hours.  I ate really well this morning.  Shake with bananna, clients, a weight training session of back and shoulders for 45 minutes.  Did a warm up set for each then 3 exercises each 4x8 reps.  Felt strong as i should since i have not lifted a thing in 5 days. Drank another isalean shake right before my ride with some frozen fruit. Although the thought of a 4 hour ride in my neighboorhood is not pleasant it is a beautiful day and i have an active evening ahead of me so i'm ready for this new venture.  I'm well suited with my new never reach water appartus, have some gels and bars on me and the luxury of a toilet just about any time i want. Since i'm training for a 1/2 iron decided to wear my less padded  hind shorts to see how they felt on a long ride.  Not sure how to dress for the event so experimenting with a few nutrition and clothing things today.  Althouth a bit raw at the end, fairly comfortable on the ride.

I decided to break the ride into two parts.  First was to work the loop at varing cadences keeping my heart rate below 150 except on the big hill.  Park is pretty quiet and was easy to get through the first 10 laps.  Stopped about 15 miles in for the bathroom and a gel.  Wondering how i'm going to deal with needing the bathroom during a 6 hour race....  Each lap was between 12 and 12:30 minutes.

Still feeling fresh so pushed the last 6 laps.  A lower cadence and higher Hr averaging about 150bpm.  Wanted to do 17 laps total but ran out of time.  The last 6 laps were between 11:40 and 12 min.  Nutrition wise i had the gel about 1 hour in, half a pure bare 30 later, another gel about 45 min later and within last 20 min had last of the bar.  Should have had the gel earlier and kept eating every 30 min or so.  Second to last lap was my fastest so felt good at the end.  Loved having access to water without reaching although did also consume the one extra bottle of water with WME and was almost out of water when i got home.

Finals including warm up and cool down,- 58 miles, 3 hr 40 min, 15.9mph, 144 av hr and 166 max.  last 3 laps were mentally draining, otherwise fantastic.  In some ways better than the country rides on 9W.