I've been sort of trying, but comming up with weekend plans that keep me from getting tho the pool. Really, durring marathon seson, the only day that's reasonable for me to get to the pool is Sunday mornings at 9 am and today I finally made it. It wasn't even hard to roll out of bed because it was actually seasonably nice outsite. I had to get up at 6:30 and leave at 7:30 just to hit the water at 9:15 and i think that is a major inhibitor to my swim training. it's a pain in the ass to get to the upper west side on the weekend. I got in the pool later than i wanted and only had 5 min to warm up. It's a new group of people in my lane and different coach (Abagail) We did a good mix of IM's and freestyle. It felt good to get back in the water and it wsan't too cold either. I followed most of the plan for the group and therefore did a lot more backstroke and breaststroke than usual. Felt the work of the external rotation in my left shoulder immediately after the parctice. It's just muscle fatigue, and note that i need to do more external rotation work in the gym and with bands. Thought i was on top of that, but needs more attention, internal rotation also. This was my fist swim since my race in early October and it went so well that i'm now motivated to go weekly on Sundays as long as i'm in town for the weekend. Did 41 laps total (2050 yards) which is equivalent to 1.16 miles. not a lot, but i think a good start. My meals were terrible today. All i'm willing to say is that i shared pancakes with David for brunch. No syrup necessary. They were topped with strawberries and white chocolate sauce. No point in going any further.